Saturday, February 6, 2010

What doesn't kill us....

only makes us stronger.

It's the second week of school and I'm home on a Saturday doing homework. It's a lot of reading....and writing....and working, but so far, I'm not complaining. Despite the crazy schedule, things feel complete, complete in the sense that my classes are challenging but they all meld with each other. It's weird to think that this is my last semester and I just want to take advantage of that. Granted, if you were to talk to me on Wednesday, I would have said I wanted to drop out....and I'll probably say that every Wednesday. But at the end of the week, it all feels worth it. I couldn't imagine dropping a class because when I think about it, I think about all the things I could have learned, funny that I'm not that way when it comes to going to bar or something, I never feel left out that way, but thats just me.

1 comment:

Margot said...

You are almost done! What an accomplishment, I am super jealous. Just hang on...graduation is just around the corner!