Saturday, October 25, 2008


was a success! We didn't have to much food, but the food we did have was amazing. Gaby of course made rice pilaf, pasta carbonara, and tasty tasty creamed spinach, Avery made some bomb cheese bread, Sam made her famous Panzella, and me and John made ICE CREAM SANDWICHES (with Nutella!!!). There was also some pasta salad, grilled veggies, and Ribollita (tasty!!!!) It was pretty amazing. 

Here's the mates at the end of the night.

Passing out the AMAZING ice cream sandwiches (the secret....cookies, a layer of nutella, and gelato.)

Sam taught us how to belly dance, it was probably the most ridiculous thing. I definitely can't move my hips that way. Haha. 

John decided to take pictures of EVERYONE at the potluck with his dorky glasses. It makes for some very nice pictures but I think I take the award for be the biggest dork. 

1 comment:

Margot said...

those glasses look good on you